Is it free to register with Parcel Butler

Yes Sign up free and you will get your unique Parcel Butler UK postal address instantly to shop to the UK.

Can I use my address to forward mail/letter

We do not forward mail/letter. This include any application letter or letter containing activation code.

Can I use my address to apply for services, finance related product, credit/debit card, passport or register company

Absolutely not.

What is your opening time for processing orders and accept deliveries

Our opening time is from 09:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday, we are closed on Weekends.

Is Parcel Butler address a valid UK address

Yes. Your Parcel Butler UK address ia a regular UK postal address, not a PO Box.

Do Parcel Butler accept goods from outside the UK

Yes we can accept goods from anywhere in the world. There may be tax and duty for importing goods from outside the UK.

Do shipping rates include tax and duty charges

Shipping rates do not include any tax and duty. These will be levied by the destination country according to local laws and paying such charges is your responsibility.

How much does it cost to use your service

You pay for shipping cost and any other services you requested. For example, for 1 package you pay only Shipping cost. If you have 2 packages, you pay Shipping cost + Consolidation fee.

How can I pay

We accept payment debit and/or credit card via our payment interface.

How long will you take to update me after receiving my parcel

We process as quickly as we possibily can. We typically notify you within 6 hours from receipt, but it depends on the time we receive it during our opening hour. Delivery late on Friday or on Saturday will be processed the next business day.

Do you open parcels

Yes we open parcel to check for any illegal and prohibited goods. For the security of our staff and your goods, our premises operate continuous video recording.

Who do you work with to ship my parcel

We offer to ship using the best to get your parcels shipped to you securely and quickly at the lowest cost. Our shipping partners include DHL, UPS, Fedex, Royal Mail, Landmark Global. If you are looking for a different service, just contact our friendly customer services and we'll happily help you

What else you cannot ship

We cannot ship prohibited goods listed here. Goods with restrictions can be shipped but with limited liability.

Can you ship medication

We cannot ship any form of medication. We can accept and ship health supplement, if unsure feel free to ask.

Can I order several items and ship together

Yes we can combine multiple items or parcels to save you on shipping cost. You can select Consolidation in your Dashboard, make payment and let Parcel Butler do the rest.

Some online stores offer a different address to my Parcel Butler address, which one should I use

Some store may offer you suggested address from their database. Please do not use the suggested address, instead enter the address manually as shown in your Dashboard or there may be delays in receiving your items.

Get your free postal address

Shop at any Global online store and let Parcel Butler handle your worldwide delivery

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Primary Shipping Address

This can be amended, or additional addresses added later

Create your business account