Below is a list of commonly recognised prohibitedand restricted items. This list is not exhaustive and may change without notice, Eg- requirements from different countries may vary. It is the responsibility of the sender to confirm if an item may be prohibited or restricted in the country of destination.

Type of ItemDescription / Explanation
AerosolsOf any type
Alcoholic beveragesOf any type
AmmunitionExcluding lead pellets and other airgunand airsoft projectiles
AsbestosAsbestos materials
Balance BoardsIncluding hover boards, electric scooters, electric bicycles and all battery powered vehicles and equipment
BatteriesLithium batteries which are not sent with or connected to equipment and any batteries not in their final retail packaging. Including power banks, lead acid/lead alkaline batteries. Batteries that are classified as dangerous goods and used or damaged batteries
Biological substancesOf any type
Clinical and Medical WasteAll such classified waste
Controlled drugs and narcoticsSuch as cannabis, cocaine, heroin, LSD, opium and any nitrate
CorrosivesEg- Dyes, Sulphuric Acid
Counterfeit and pirated merchandiseOf any type
Counterfeit Currency & Postage StampsCounterfeit bank notes, coinage, postage or other counterfeit material with a monetary face value and intended to defraud
Electronic devices sent with lithium batteriesIncluding mobile phones, digital cameras etc where the battery is not connected to the device
Environmentally hazardous substancesOf any type
Environmental WasteIncluding used batteries and used engine oil
ExplosivesIncluding fireworks, flares, blasting caps, party poppers, christmas cracker snaps
FilthE.g. dirt, waste or refuse
Flammable LiquidsIncluding petrolium, lighter fluid, certain adhesives, solvent based paints, wood varnish, enamels, acetone and all nail varnish removers
Flamable solidsIncluding magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc powder and fire lighters
GasesIncluding new, used and empty gas cylinders, ethane, butane, refills for lighters, fire extinguishers, and scuba tanks, life jackets, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide canisters ( culinary foaming devices and soda stream)
Guns for sporting useIncluding Section 1 and Section 2 firearms, low powered air weapons and their component parts may be sent in compliance with UK law subject to any applicable controls on the possession or export of firearms
Human or animal ashesOf any type
Human or animal samplesOf any type
Infectious substances and pathogensOf any type
Lighters and Refills Containing flamable liquid or gas including used butane, petrol, cigar and cigarette lighters
Lighters new and unused empty lightersOf any type
Live animals and reptilesOf any type
Live creatures, insects and invertebratesOf any type
Lottery ticketsOf any type
Magnetised materialExcept credit cards, audio and video cassettes, floppy discs and loud speakers
MatchesIncluding safety matches and windproof matches
Nail varnish, polish or gelVolume per tiem must not exceed 30ml, no more than 8 bottles of nail varnish can be sent in one packet
Obscene publications and unlawful indecent imagesOf any type
Oxidising materials or organic peroxidesIncluding disinfectants, nitrates and hair dyes containing peroxide
Patient specimensOf any type
Perfume and AftershavesIncludes eau de parfum, and eau de toilette but excludes non flamable perfumed creams, gels, oils or lotions
Perishable itemsIncluding flowers, fresh fruit, vegetables and frozen or chilled foodstuffs
PesticidesIncluding weed killer and any chemical used to kill pests and insects such as fly sprays
Poisons, toxic liquids, solids and gasesIncluding substances that are liable to cause death or injury if swallowed or inhaled or by skin contact
Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposesIncludes toxic, flammable or toxic and inflamable but excludes non toxic and non flammable and asthma inhalers
Radioactive materials and samles Of any type
Solvent based paints, wood varnishes an enamelsOf any type
TobaccoIncluding cigrattes, cigars, cigarelos, snuff and any type of tobacco
Waste, dirt, filth or refuseOf any type
WeaponsIncluding Section 5 firearms, C5 gas and pepper sprays, flick knives, and other knives that are banned under UK and Gibraltar laws, tasers and stun guns

Prohibitions / restrictions may change without notice.

It is the responsibility of the sender to determine if an item is prohibited or restricted.

The o2o-logistics is duty bound to respect the prohibitions and restrictions of other countries as well as those of other stakeholders eg- staff, airlines, transportation companies, etc.

The sender is the declarant of the contents.

The sender is the declarant of the contents.

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