1. Create a Parcel Butler account

All you need to do is to tap on the Login button, then click on New User to register an account with us. Enter your name, email address and contact number. We will then send you an activation email. Once you have opened the activation email, you can use your Parcel Butler account and will receive your unique Parcel Butler UK address instantly.

2. Shop with your new address

Once you get your UK address, go to your favourite online shops and order using your UK address as the deliv­ery address.

3. Get notified when goods arrive

Your online shopping store will then ship your goods over to us using your new Parcel Butler address. Once we receive your items, we may open to check to ensure can be safe­ly and legal­ly shipped abroad. You will be noti­fied once we have checked in your parcels in your account. Your item will then be visible in your account.

4. Choose your shipping & pay

Once you see your par­cel in your account, pro­vide the item details and val­ues for export dec­la­ra­tion. At this point, you can elect your chosen shipping method, your chosen delivery address, and can pay for the shipping service.

5. Wait for your item to arrive

Finally, simply wait for your item to arrive at your chosen delivery address. This typ­i­cal­ly takes 7 – 10 busi­ness days depend­ing on the your shipping choice, local deliv­ery process­es and cus­tom pro­cess­ing time.

Get your free postal address

Shop at any Global online store and let Parcel Butler handle your worldwide delivery

Get Address

Create your account

Primary Shipping Address

This can be amended, or additional addresses added later

Create your business account