The rates illustrated in our shipping calculator include the shipping costs from our UK Depot to Gibraltar. They do not include Duty or optional consolidation fees from combining multiple packages. Please use the below as a guidance for your basic shipping costs. The below table illustrates all of the services provided when you create an account with us and use Parcel Butler for your shipping needs.
Set up fee
FreeMembership fee
FreeOnline Account Management
IncludedEmail notifications
IncludedReceive package service
FreePhoto service
IncludedFree Storage UK Depot
14 daysConsolidation of multiple packages
£2.50 / packageIf you are shipping 1 package, then pay us just the shipping cost. For shipping rates, use our calculator below.
For multiple packages, if you would like us to combine / consolidate the packages and ship together, then there is additional consolidation fee as stated above of £2.50 per package.
NB: The shipping costs illustrated in our calculator excludes local duty charges these depend on the package items in question. However, as part of our services once we receive your package and you submit your package information, we will be able to quote you for any duty required.
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